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제목 (Signalway Antibody 한국공식대리점_에디스젠_edithgen@daum.net) Smas1/5/9 Antibody !(Signalway Antibody 한국공식_에디스젠) 등록일 2024.02.08 06:26
글쓴이 에디스젠 조회/추천 72/0


Signalway Antibody  한국공식대리점_에디스젠입니다

항상 최선을 다하겠습니다


에디스젠 ( Signalway Antibody ) 배상

Signalway Antibody LLC is located in 6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 370,Greenbelt, Maryland 20770, USA.
We are committed to providing high-quality research reagents such as antibodies, proteins, ELISA kits, Assay Kits, Inhibitors and so on for life science companies, universities and research institutes around the world. Currently our products cover cell signal transduction, cancer, stem cell, neuroscience and other research areas.

Our products maintain the high standards in quality assurance and quality control. We promise that the product quality maintains specificity, stability and continuity from our facility to the hands of customers through continuous verification of production, testing and logistics procedures.
We have a professional team to provide technical support within 24 hours and experimental solutions within 1 week. To serve you well is our utmost commitment.

Please contact us if we can assist and encourage your research.

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