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제목 (Hitgen 한국공식대리점_에디스젠_edithgen@daum.net) DNA encoded Library service (Hitgen 한국공식_에디스젠) 등록일 2024.02.09 06:55
글쓴이 에디스젠 조회/추천 80/0


Hitgen 한국공식대리점_에디스젠입니다

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에디스젠 ( Hitgen) 배상

HitGen Inc. (SSE: 688222.SH), is a drug discovery research company with headquarters in Chengdu, China, and subsidiaries in Cambridge, UK and Houston, USA. HitGen has established leading technology platforms to enable the discovery and optimization of small molecules and nucleic acid drugs. Our key technology platforms include world-leading DNA-encoded library technology (DEL), fragment-based drug discovery and structure-based drug design technologies (FBDD/SBDD), as well as the emerging technology platforms for synthetic therapeutic oligonucleotide technology (STO), and targeted protein degradation technology (TPD). Through our diverse and flexible business models, we have built up collaboration partnership with several hundred biopharmaceutical research organizations worldwide. HitGen has multiple programmes from early discovery to clinical trial stage.

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